LIVE555TM Media Server takes input from a named pipe
Alan Martinovic
2014-10-06 13:33:30 UTC
I'm trying to get a minimal example for using a named pipe as a source of a stream for the LIVE555TM Media Server.
As a proof of concept, I would like to get a working example of making a stream from a sample.264 file into a named pipe and use the named pipe with a .264 extension to have Media Server stream it.

Working example (video plays in vlc)
rawh264_sample #The original slamtv60.264 just renamed
periodic_read.py #A dummy application that creates a binary stream from the rawh264_sample
stream.264 #The named pipe, created with "mkfifo stream.264"
live555MediaServer #The server binary from mediaServer

Run vlc -> Ctrl+n (Open Network stream) -> rtsp://xx.xx.xx.xx:8554/stream.264
cat rawh264_sample >> stream.264
cat rawh264_sample >> stream.264 #It had to be called twice


The idea is to make a simple streamer that just chops the raw video file and periodically sends chops.
The code the dummy streamer (periodic_read.py) is below everything.

Example I didn't get to work (The video starts loading in vlc but breaks)
rawh264_sample #The original slamtv60.264 just renamed
periodic_read.py #A dummy streamer that creates a binary stream from the rawh264_sample
stream.264 #The named pipe, created with "mkfifo stream.264"
live555MediaServer #The server binary from mediaServer

./periodic_read.py > stream.264 #Move the raw file to the pipe
Run vlc to get the stream

What happens is that the vlc shows that the buffer is loading, but breaks after half. The video never starts to play.
I get an error on the streamer side:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./periodic_read.py", line 14, in <module>
print chunk
IOError: [Errno 32] Broken pipe

Is it possible that the problem is in the sync between the streamers write speed and mediaServers read speed?
Other comments are welcome :)

# periodic_read.py
import time
import sys

file_path = "rawh264_sample"
chunk_size = 1000
frequency = 200
f = open(file_path, "rb")
while True:
print chunk
if chunk == '' :


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Ross Finlayson
2014-10-06 15:08:06 UTC
I’m trying to get a minimal example for using a named pipe as a source of a stream for the LIVE555TM Media Server.
FYI, you should be using the "testOnDemandRTSPServer" demo application as a base here - *not* the "LIVE555 Media Server". (The "LIVE555 Media Server" is an 'off the shelf' application that looks up arbitrary file names, on demand, based on requests from client(s). That's not what you want to do here. Instead, you want to serve a single, special-purpose stream, that clients will access using just one name.)

See also

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
