Sergey Lvov via live-devel
2014-09-19 00:44:32 UTC
Hallo everybody!
I discovered strange disconnections when I used streaming over TCP.
I recompiled live555 library with -DDEBUG and -DDEBUG_SEND and saw some diagnostic:
sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP: 1448 bytes over channel 0 (socket 7)
sendDataOverTCP: resending 795-byte send (blocking)
sendDataOverTCP: blocking send() failed (delivering -1 bytes out of 795); closing socket 7
SocketDescriptor(socket 7)::deregisterRTPInterface(channel 255)
sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP: failed! (errno 11)
RTSPClientConnection[0x8e80978]::handleRequestBytes() read 4 new bytes:$
RTSPClientConnection[0x8e80978]::handleRequestBytes() read 52 new bytes:?
RTSPClientConnection[0x8e7baf0]::handleRequestBytes() read 212 new bytes:GET_PARAMETER rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 21349
User-Agent: LibVLC/2.2.0-pre4-20140908-0202 (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2014.07.25)
Session: CED66A9C
So, errno 11 - it's EAGAIN, and that's very strange for socket in blocking mode.
However, I found topic:
And I understood that is quite possible.
I tried to fix the problem by this way:
- sendResult = send(socketNum, (char const*)(&data[numBytesSentSoFar]), numBytesRemainingToSend, 0/*flags*/);
+ do {
+ sendResult = send(socketNum, (char const*)(&data[numBytesSentSoFar]), numBytesRemainingToSend, 0/*flags*/);
+ } while(sendResult == -1 && envir().getErrno() == EAGAIN);
And it works now!
Could you possibly investigate this problem?
Thank you for you work!
Best regards,
I discovered strange disconnections when I used streaming over TCP.
I recompiled live555 library with -DDEBUG and -DDEBUG_SEND and saw some diagnostic:
sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP: 1448 bytes over channel 0 (socket 7)
sendDataOverTCP: resending 795-byte send (blocking)
sendDataOverTCP: blocking send() failed (delivering -1 bytes out of 795); closing socket 7
SocketDescriptor(socket 7)::deregisterRTPInterface(channel 255)
sendRTPorRTCPPacketOverTCP: failed! (errno 11)
RTSPClientConnection[0x8e80978]::handleRequestBytes() read 4 new bytes:$
RTSPClientConnection[0x8e80978]::handleRequestBytes() read 52 new bytes:?
RTSPClientConnection[0x8e7baf0]::handleRequestBytes() read 212 new bytes:GET_PARAMETER rtsp:// RTSP/1.0
CSeq: 21349
User-Agent: LibVLC/2.2.0-pre4-20140908-0202 (LIVE555 Streaming Media v2014.07.25)
Session: CED66A9C
So, errno 11 - it's EAGAIN, and that's very strange for socket in blocking mode.
However, I found topic:
And I understood that is quite possible.
I tried to fix the problem by this way:
- sendResult = send(socketNum, (char const*)(&data[numBytesSentSoFar]), numBytesRemainingToSend, 0/*flags*/);
+ do {
+ sendResult = send(socketNum, (char const*)(&data[numBytesSentSoFar]), numBytesRemainingToSend, 0/*flags*/);
+ } while(sendResult == -1 && envir().getErrno() == EAGAIN);
And it works now!
Could you possibly investigate this problem?
Thank you for you work!
Best regards,