fGranularityInMS? Suggestions?
James Heliker
2014-09-26 20:59:42 UTC
Hi Ross -

Can you explain what fGranularityInMS does? I have a custom audio source
and I'm trying to track down causes of glitching in my PCM audio stream;
the basics have been ironed out already such as presentation time and
duration in microseconds.

Thanks for your help!

Kind Regards,

- James
Ross Finlayson
2014-10-01 05:20:15 UTC
Post by James Heliker
Can you explain what fGranularityInMS does?
In "AudioInputDevice" subclasses that are implemented using polling, it specifies how often the device should be polled. (It's used in "WindowsAudioInputDevice", but not in "WAVAudioFileSource")

Ross Finlayson
Live Networks, Inc.
